
Invited Presentations


Governance interventions to balance trade-off situations between Sustainable Development Goals. The SDG Interaction Archetypes approach. Center for Behavior, Institutions and the Environment, Arizona State University, US.


Progress and Prospects: Insights and Reflections from the Working Group on Governance of Social-Ecological Systems. Conference on Earth System Governance, online.


How to find the balance? Governing trade-off situations in extracting minerals for energy transition. Ostrom Workshop Research Series. Indiana University, US.


Understanding and transforming social-ecological systems towards sustainable futures. Research Seminar. University of Freiburg, DE.


How to govern conflictual trade-off situations between Sustainable Development Goals? Insights of two years of empirical research in the Southwest. School of Sustainability Research Seminar, Arizona State University, US.


Passing the hot potato: Where to mine minerals for energy transition? Commons in Space 2023 Conference. Online.


Identifying leverage points for shifting Water-Energy-Food nexus cases towards sustainability through the Networks of Action Situations approach combined with systems thinking. Polycentricity Webinar Series. Online.


Transformation of social-ecological systems under climate change in the European Alps. Environmental Policy Course, University of Arizona, US.


Governance processes of trade-off situations in resource management to increase sustainable development. Social Science Speaker Series, University of Arizona, US.


Mehrzweckspeicher als Anpassung an den Klimawandel? Schlossmuseum Nidau, Nidau, CH.


Wasserspeicher im Zielkonflikt zwischen Minderung und Anpassung an den Klimawandel. Strukturverbesserungstagung vom Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft und suissemelio. Virtual.


Governance of complex trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation in the Swiss Alps. International Workshop Renewable Energy Transitions: Comparative Assessment in the Hindu Kush Himalayas, Andes and Alps. Himalayan University Consortium, Mountain Research Initiative (MRI), University of Arizona. Virtual.


(Un-)Sustainable water governance under climate change in Switzerland. Sustainability Week Switzerland, University of Basel, CH.


Governance of multi-purpose use of water – Challenges and opportunities. Hydro-CH2018 Meeting, Federal Office for Environment, Ittigen, CH.


Alpine Mehrzweckspeicher zur Minderung von Wasserknappheit im Sommer. Fallstudie im Berner Oberland und im Rhone-Gebiet. 13 ème colloque international sur le Rhône dans son environnement naturel et humain, L’Association Mémoires du Rhône, Sion, CH.


Neue Ansprüche an Schweizer Wasserspeicher. Conference «Forum für Wissen», Birmensdorf, CH. Film of the presentation.


Social acceptance of a reservoir in a recently deglaciated landscape in the Swiss Alps. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, AT.


Governance of resource uses under climate change. Focus on multipurpose (water) reservoirs as a measure for adaptation to climate change. UNESCO Chair Meeting 2019 “Research on Cultural and Natural Heritage and Sustainable Mountain Development”, World Nature Forum WNF, Naters, CH.


Cooperation, competition and coercion in polycentric governance systems: The case of water-energy governance in Oberhasli, Switzerland. International Research Workshop “Cooperation, competition and coercion in polycentric governance systems”, Centre for Global Cooperation Research, University Duisburg-Essen, DE.


Polycentric governance can compensate an incoherent regime under climate change. The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland. Conference on multipurpose use of water. University of Zurich, together with CREALP, EPFL and Meteodat. Sion, CH.

Presentations at Conferences


Governance approaches to balance trade-off situations for sustainability transformations. Wageningen Centre of Sustainability Governance (WCSG) Conference, Wageningen, NL.


Cultural fit of institutions: A critical condition to make the 30 by 30 initiative successful. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW 7), Indiana University, Bloomington, US.


Challenges and opportunities of mineral extraction for energy transition on Indigenous land. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW 7), Indiana University, Bloomington, US.


Governance approaches to balance trade-off situations between Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement. Insights from Chaco Culture National Historical Park, US. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop (WOW 7), Indiana University, Bloomington, US.


A review of frameworks to study complex social-ecological systems: Which framework is appropriate for which application? Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, NL.


Comparing two action situation approaches to analyse the governance of trade-off situations between SDGs: A comparative case study of Grand Canyon and Chaco Culture National Park, Conference on Earth System Governance, Nijmegen, NL.


Co-managing complex social-ecological trade-off situations in protected areas integrating indigenous and western scientific knowledge systems. 2023 International Association for Society and Natural Resources (IASNR) Conference, Portland, Maine, US.


How to govern trade-off situations towards sustainability in UNESCO World Heritage Sites? Insights from Chaco Culture National Historical Park, US. International Association for the Study of the Commons 2023 XIX Biennial Conference, Nairobi, KEN.


Co-producing conservation: Conditions shaping the integration of indigenous and western scientific knowledge systems in decision-making processes. International Association for the Study of the Commons 2023 XIX Biennial Conference, Nairobi, KEN.


Critical research areas in polycentric climate governance – Insights of a systematic literature review. International Association for the Study of the Commons 2023 XIX Biennial Conference, Nairobi, KEN.


Polycentric climate governance, democracy, power, scaling and the state – emerging insights from the literature. Workshop on “The complex empirical realities of polycentric climate governance”, Wageningen University, NL.


Splintering Governance Temporalities in the Anthropocene: The Dynamics of Preservation, Conservation and Neo-colonialism at the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Chaco Canyon, US. Workshop on “Laws and Times in Anthropocene Environments”, Tilburg University, NL.


Understanding past coevolutionary processes in social-ecological systems helps to envision pathways for sustainable futures: an action situations approach on Water-Energy-Food nexus. Conference on Earth System Governance, Toronto, CAN.


Polycentric climate governance – insights of a systematic literature review. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference. University of Innsbruck, AT.


Identifying leverage points for transformation towards sustainability through the Networks of Action Situations approach combined with systems thinking. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference. University of Innsbruck, AT.


Institutional fit of polycentric governance systems under climate change. Earth System Governance Conference. Virtual.


Analyzing cross-sectoral coordination gaps in water governance with a network approach. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference. Virtual.


From understanding to transformation: Reaching climate and sustainable development goals in complex social-ecological systems through a system-level network approach. International Research Symposium: Evidence for Action; Aligning the Climate and SDG Agendas. Virtual.


Capturing WEF Nexus as a network phenomenon in social ecological systems. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. Virtual.


Provision of polycentric climate governance systems for institutional fit: Evidence from multifunctional water governance in Switzerland. Earth System Governance Conference. Conference cancelled due to Covid-19.


Polycentricity and the study of Networks of Action Situations: Unpacking synergies. Earth System Governance Conference. Conference cancelled due to Covid-19.


Analysing the Water-Energy-Food (WEF) nexus using the Network of Action Situations (NAS) approach. European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR) Conference. Virtual.


Reservoirs in world’s water towers: Need for appropriate governance processes to reach Sustainable Development Goals. European Geosciences Union (EGU) General Assembly. Virtual. DOI: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-11004.


Challenges of meeting lowland water demand through an upstream multi-purpose reservoir. International Mountain Conference, Innsbruck, AT.


Emerging collective action to resolve sustainability trade-offs in polycentric governance systems: Evidence from Trift, Switzerland. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 6 (WOW 6), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, US.


Evolving polycentric governance processes can compensate incoherent resource regimes: Evidence of the canton of Bern, Switzerland. Workshop on the Ostrom Workshop 6 (WOW 6), Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, US.


Implications of orchestration for polycentric governance systems. The case of multifunctional water use in the canton of Zurich, Switzerland. New Institutional Economics (NIÖ) – Network Meeting 2019, University of Kassel, DE.


Adaptive capacity in processes of polycentric governance systems: The case of multifunctional water use in Switzerland. 2018 Earth System Governance Conference, Utrecht, NL.


Evolving polycentric climate governance. The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland. Forum Alpinum, Breitenwang, AT.


Polycentric climate governance: The case of multifunctional water reservoirs in the Swiss Alps. Polycentric Climate Governance after Paris: Expectations, Challenges and Pathways, Freiburg, DE.


Evolving polycentric climate governance: The case of multifunctional water use in Oberhasli, Switzerland. Governing Climate Change: Polycentricity in Action? Open University, Heerlen, NL.